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Rent Calculations

Rent Calculations under the Housing Choice Voucher Program

The participant family's portion of the rent {Tenant Rent) is based on adjusted household income and calculated using a HUD formula. The participant family is responsible for paying the Tenant Rent to the owner/landlord monthly in accordance with the lease.

Rent paid to the Owner/Landlord is calculated as follows:

  Contract Rent   The total rent due the owner
Plus Utility Allowance Utility allowance for the unit
Equals Gross Rent Total cost of housing





  Contract Rent The total rent due the owner
Less Tenant Rent Portion of the rent paid by the participant
Equals Housing Assistant Payment Portion of rent paid by the HA to the owner 





If the Contract Rent plus the Utility Allowance is greater than the Payment Standard and the family's share of the Gross Rent exceeds 40% of the family's adjusted monthly income, the family will not be allowed to execute a lease and move into the unit.

Rent paid by the Participant Family is the greater of:

The Total Tenant Payment (TTP) is the greater of:

10% of Total Monthly Income Income from all sources divided by 12 and multiplied
30% of Adjusted Monthly Income Total income adjusted and divided by 12 and multiplied by 30%
$50 Minimum rent of $50


Note: Adjustments to Income (must be reasonable and verifiable)

  • $480 per dependent (less than 18, or a full-time student or a disabled child)
  • $400 for elderly/disabled families-elderly/disabled head or spouse
  • Medical Expenses exceeding 3% of total income-elderly/disabled families only
  • Disabled Expenses exceeding 3% of total income-disabled families only
  • Child Care Expenses for children under 13 or disabled- for work, job search or school